The Way
Memberships are often intriguing to us! As early as the school playground, we wanted to be part of something, involved in games or exploring. The older us are now enticed to join or signup with free introductory offers such as a cool-looking travel bag or ball cap. What easy targets we are!
One of the most exclusive statements in history came from the lips of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). This statement has also become one of the most contestable statements of our time! The culture in which we live is a massive collage of thoughts, ideas, and theories of how a person receives eternal life. Jesus frequently asked questions, and one such was to His disciples at Caesarea Philippi, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13). A street poll of that question opens the door for a host of answers – even blank stares! Even Jesus received numerous answers from His friends – “Some say You’re John the Baptist, others say Elijah, still others think You are Jeremiah, and others suggest You are just another one of the many prophets who have come our way.” (Matthew 6:14). Those answers caused Jesus to probe further, deeper to the heart: “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15). Forget about public opinion, what you read online or in the morning paper, not what your daddy or mama or grandparents say – who am I to YOU? Ah! and Oh! The answer to Jesus’ probing question was Peter’s real claim-to-fame; it was he who declared, “You are the Christ!” (V.16). Jesus’ question was personally intrusive – Peter’s answer was deeply personally! The answers today are endless as are the false voices who suggest them. The question is nonetheless personally intrusive -- who do YOU say that I am? It was Jesus, God’s Son, Who identified Himself as The Way -- not a way. Proclaim The Way today – live in the Light of the Great I AM!
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