Express Mail
Have you ever received express mail? I like getting any kind of mail, but especially express mail! That means it came specifically to me -- the label has my name on it and it is meant for no one but me. It’s usually something I am expecting and I am anticipating its speedy arrival. How even more exciting if I get to it before other hands!
When was the last time you had an "express" word from God? God sent a message to Ezekiel while he was being held captive [along with the nation of Israel] by the Babylonians: "The word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest . . . " (Ezekiel 1:3) I suppose we too would hear God better if we were chained up or God put us in a vice-grip! God's message was explicitly for Ezekiel with very specific intentions. I used to love it when the boys were in the van with me -- they were a captive audience to Mama however briefly that may have been. Ezekiel heard what God had to say, and he "felt the power of the Lord." (v.3) God still has much to say to His children if we will just listen-to-hear His message. Oh, the blessings that are ours in "express" mail from The Father!
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