Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Many people I know love to dig in the dirt!  They describe it as therapeutic!  My idea of therapy this time of year, however, involves a glass of lemonade and the porch swing!


Life poses many questions to us.  Sometimes those questions come in the form of a choice, through a conversation, or making an important decision.  Where do we go for the answers?  Available to us are shelves of “good” advice and otherwise clever voices of reason, but is it wise counsel?   We must also consider how sound is the counsel we offer other people.  Scripture warns us how foolish it is to trust in our own minds, our ways of thinking (Proverbs 28:26).  Who among us doesn’t face critical moments-of-decision each day when we need guidance and direction!  God says His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths (Psalm 119:105).  We are to hide God’s words in our hearts, hold tightly to His instructions, never letting go, for It is Life itself! (Proverbs 4:13).  I carry a small treasury of Scriptures with me everywhere I go; it’s always in my purse, in my satchel, or in my car. Why?  Because every situation I encounter, each circumstance that presents itself, and every decision I make – I need help!  Digging in the yard may not be my passion, but honoring Christ with my life is!  Believers should be passionate about Christ and love to dig in God’s Word, gather Its priceless gems of Truth, then apply them to life.  Make digging in God’s Word a priority -- dig faithfully and dig often!


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