Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stay Seated

When the boys were young, one of the fun trips with the boys was to Universal Studios in Florida, and we came away with some great memories.  The park is filled with lots of "you are there" activities -- earthquakes, space travel, wild west, terror.  Dennis and I were in the boat the famous Jaws shark leaped from the water right at us.  That may have been the last time that little boy sat in his Mama's lap – and I have no idea the name of the person’s whose lap I was in!  Yikes!


With God, there is no reason for fear.  Yea, right ... it’s true!  Of course, Dennis & I both knew that shark wasn't real -- that the whole business was rigged, staged to scare us silly.  Well, it worked!  But that knowledge didn't keep us in our seats!  Putting feet to our faith is the issue.  Psalm 56:4 says, ". . . in God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?"  David wrote this when he was threatened by the [pesky, won’t-go-away] Philistines, so he knew trouble and its accompanying fear. There are many scary things in life, causing us to leave our seats and run for cover.  Why can't we get it?  “My Grace is sufficient for thee: for My Strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9a). His strength is perfect!  When we actually act on this Truth, things aren't nearly as scary as Satan would have us believe.  Let's try to stay seated and trust Him!


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