Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Burden-Bearer

Mr. Bill has been replacing some siding on our house, and guess what – I helped!  Now, the extent of my help was in carrying one end of the plank, holding it in place as Mr. Bill nailed the other end in place.  I'm fairly certain I don't have a future in construction, but amazingly not once did he say “just can't get good help these days.”  Yes, amazing!


We are commanded to do God's work but not to do the work of God.  Let me explain: as members of the Body of Christ, we are called to serve Him in Kingdom work but we are not to do the work intended for Him!  Mr. Bill rarely asks for my help but he knew he couldn't lift the cumbersome plank, hold it in place, and nail it down.  Oh, how Christians try to bear burdens they are not called to bear!  Underneath the weight of them, we are overwhelmed to despair.  The psalmist wrote, "Cast your burden on the Lord." (Psalm 55:22a).  You see, the first step to understanding God's role in burden-bearing is distinguishing which burdens we are to bear and those which are His alone. With regard to the burden, Oswald Chambers wrote, "put it over on to Him and yourself with it, and the burden is lightened by the sense of companionship."  God is the Burden-Bearer by way of His Son, Jesus Christ Who said, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30).  Let me discourage you from falling beneath the weight of burdens not intended for you; seek the blessed Companionship of Christ and know a lighter burden and excellent companionship!


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