Sunday, July 24, 2016

Essay on Joy

Here's the rule: Mama proofreads all essays!  Not only is she a perfectionist, which is not always a blessing, she knows her stuff.  It doesn't hurt that she is a writer and can suggest about ten different ways to say one thing!


What if we were called to write a treatise on joy?  Perhaps we would have to wait for the "perfect" day -- a calm day, void of frustrations and aggravations.  And, just how long would we have to wait for such a day? Sometimes I find myself living as if peddling furiously on a stationary bike -- the same chores, the same scenery, the same routine ... the word "joy" just another word lacking real meaning.  The Apostle Paul wrote his discourse on joy in horrible circumstances: confined within the dreary walls of a prison, chained to a Roman guard.  His letter to the church at Philippi could have been riddled with complaints, bitterness, and pessimism, but it wasn't.  One of the most profound passages of encouragement and genuine joy are found in Philippians: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things ... And the God of peace will be with you." (4:8 & 9b)  Paul's essay describes a life absorbed and immersed in Christ, rendering a joyful heart that knows the extent of God's Love in Christ Jesus, and a life committed to "shine like stars in the universe" as it holds out the word of life to others (4:15-16)  Well, we may never be called write an essay on joy in the literal sense, but we live its theme every day.  What does your essay of joy say?  Don't forget – the world is proofreading it!


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