Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Just Grateful

Today, August 17, is my wedding anniversary – 41 years with Mr. Bill.  Surely you must scratch-your-head in wonder about him.  Perhaps you've read so much about him you may feel you know him well.  It would take many pages and hours to tell of his antics, and I suspect I know only a portion of them.  He really is quite the character; I've heard him described as legendary in some circles.  If you will, please allow me a personal privilege today to briefly tell our story.


Bill was born just outside San Antonio, Texas into an Air Force family.  He spent a large portion of his childhood in Scotland, Pakistan, and Turkey.  In 1968, his parents returned “home,” and that’s when I met Bill.  I was twelve years old – skinny and buck-tooth, as he describes me.  Way too young to date, so after much church-pew dating, we grew to love one another.  And, yes, too young to marry but with my parents’ hesitant permission, I said “I do” at age seventeen.  And, here we are 41 years later with three grown sons, three wonderful daughters-in-love, and four grandchildren. As Mr. Bill would say, "who'd a thunk it!"


Anniversaries really are more than dinner at a nice restaurant!  For me, it's a time to reflect.  The reflection is more than remembering when we had lots of hair and little cash, drove junky cars, diapers and formula, boy scouts and baseball.  Rather, it seems more appropriate to consider the One Who's been infinitely more faithful to me than the commitment I made at the altar!  After all, what does a teenage girl really know about choosing a life-long partner?  What does she know of the what it takes to be a wife and mother, to build a home?  What does she know about planning for the future, even the empty nest?  What does she know of the give-and-take of relationships with her husband and children?  What does she know about loving someone without conditions?  What does she know of persevering through a serious illness like cancer?  Oh, I could go on and on about the things that were not on my radar at age 17, not thought of, never considered, the assumptions made.  But for the last 41 years, God consistently proved He is Who He says He is and He does what He says He’ll do.  My heart hurts for those whose reflections on their last 41 years haven’t been so joyous, rather challenges and sorrow; to you, I encourage you in Christ to see God’s Goodness still.  And I often wonder: why me?  Seriously, I have no idea!  Humbly and gratefully, I rejoice in God's wisdom, His sovereignty, His mercy and grace!  As unlikely as it seems that God would bring these two opposites together, He did. There’s really nothing more I can say but – thank you God … for Mr. Bill.


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