Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Why do men need to display dead things? Apparently, while I was in some sort of comatose state, Mr. Bill managed to secure three deer heads to the living room walls. At one time, before I woke up, there were numerous other wildlife: mounted deer antlers, a wood duck, a goose and various wildlife paintings. I've tried to make the best of what "shall not" be changed. The dead-heads make wonderful props at Christmas time for hanging bells, garland, ribbons, lights, which Mr. Bill does not find very amusing.

Believers are not immune to "collecting dust" either. Although not dead [in Christ], Believers can be out-of-fellowship with Him. In this "out of fellowship" state, spiritual growth doesn't happen!  What causes us to be out-of-fellowship with The Father? Among many things, unconfessed sin, disobedience, and a rebellious spirit. As 2 Corinthians 6:14 points out, " . . . for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? What communion hath light with darkness?" The driver's licenses of young people under the age of twenty-one are clearly marked "Under 21." This mark indicates there are places they are not admitted, purchases they cannot make -- such is the life of the Believer. We are marked! Marked to represent Christ, to be in-fellowship with Him. Out-of-fellowship, we gather darkness; we do not grow in Christ thus lose valuable ground to Satan. It is indeed a challenge to keep the wildlife relics free of dust bunnies, and what a struggle for Believers as well.  We have no room in our lives for "dust bunnies" nor "cobwebs." We are called to be SonShiners. So let it be.


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