Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Zip-Locked Faith

As a child, one of my favorite playground activities was the see-saw.  It is quite simple in design and very basic in operation.  It usually only took one unexpected vacancy on the other end and that painful thud to the ground to fully understand the effects of gravity and what goes up must come down!


It is much easier to understand the need for balance in the Christian life than maintaining that balance.  I'm reminded of an ordinary zip-lock bag: even in its "sealed" state, the contents are visible for inspection.  In James 2 we read how our faith is "sealed" in Jesus Christ, and praise Him for that!  What is visible to the world, however, defines just how effective faith is in our lives.  Consider how our "works" (faith at work in our lives) appear to others; could it be described as weak, shallow, or stale? Think about it the next time crisis or stress hits: do we react in anger, wring your hands in anxiety, or run for the hills in fear?  That's not exactly a response based in faith. Our Christian walk must be Jesus-based and when our walk isn't improving, or at the very least maintaining a balance of faith and works, we are quickly losing ground. So what do we do? Oh, that's simple -- commit time each day to Bible study and prayer. Remember that zip-lock bag -- what does the world see inside yours?


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