Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Weed Control

Whether you call it a weed eater or a weed trimmer or a weed whacker, it has one purpose – to cut weeds.  Everyone who tends a garden or a yard knows how important weed control is and what a disaster it can become when they are ignored.  Did you know holiness and sinfulness cannot co-exist in the Christian’s life?  One or the other dominates!  Like unchecked weeds, sin overtakes holiness when left unrestrained. Now, Mr. Bill routinely sprays weeds with something that actually kills them, and that’s exactly what God says we are to be actively doing to sin in our lives: “… if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” (Romans 8:13).  Like weed control, it’s a daunting task to which we must be diligent. Oh, the abundant and joyful rewards of holy living!  Next time you hear the sound of a weed eater, give serious thought to how well you’re managing the spiritual weeds in your heart.


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