Sunday, October 14, 2018

Be Thirsty

My generation grew up watching Wile Coyote desperately try to catch Road Runner. He never did, of course, but it sure was entertaining to watch him try. The psalmist writes of a thirsty soul - thirsty for its Creator, the Living God. (Psalm 42:2). I remember my softball-playing days when in the heat of the day, there seemed be nothing better than a cold Gatorade or cup of ice water. Refreshing! Quenching! Satisfying! Has your soul ever been that thirsty?  "When shall I come and appear before God?" (V.2b). Don't you feel the writer's urgency to be in God's Presence? My pastor suggested recently too many Christians ask the wrong question: instead of asking "how close to the world can I live [and still get to heaven]," we should ask "how close can I get to God?" Pastor Tim says, "we live in desperate times but God's people aren't desperate." In God's Presence, there is refreshment, there is soul-quenching, there is complete satisfaction such as the world does not know nor can supply. Be thirsty!


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