The Good Portion
One of my all-time favorite hymns is “Sitting At the Feet of Jesus.” As a young pianist, it was one of the first I learned to play! The older-me finds sitting quietly before the Lord most inviting. Luke 10:42 tells of Mary – Martha’s sister and Jesus’ friend – sitting with expectation at The Master’s feet; I imagine her hanging on His every word, giving notice to His hand gestures, even the pause in His breath. Jesus noticed both Martha’s busy-ness and Mary’s attention; in response, He said Mary had chosen the “good portion,” which could not be taken away. Reta Spears-Stewart’s poem continues to speak to me about the good portions I’ve missed, and the Mary-Mind so needed. “I have a quiet moment now, but suddenly I find – That while I have a Mary-heart, I have a Martha-mind – The things I thought I’d finished with are springing back to life – Like little flames among the brush of daily cares and strife – My thoughts seem filled with ‘brushfires’ and although I rush and race – As soon as I put out one fire, another takes its place – So now I find, when I’m alone and peace is my desire – My mind’s a busy Martha-mind tending to one more fire – O Lord, I know that Martha’s hands are needed, good and kind – But in my heart I’ve one request: grant me a Mary-mind.” I want that “good portion” – don’t you?
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