New Focus
It’s Christmas, and perhaps you’re expecting something new – not the usual-kinda-sorta thing: perhaps something dazzling, shiny, real bling-bling! Scripture tells us John’s mother, Elizabeth who had been childless well into her years conceived and she “hid herself five months” (Luke 1:24). Imagine her excitement [then] when Mary shows up at her door: it’s pretty safe to assume there was some serious girl-talk going on! Instead of talking of herself, her pregnancy and forthcoming child, Elizabeth’s attention and words were toward the Child that Mary carried: the world’s Savior. You can just hear Elizabeth’s joy: “And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43). New things will come to you this Christmas; oh, I don’t mean in the way of things but in opportunities to put others first. The young Mary needed encouragement, some reassurance of what was taking place in her life – and, she found it with Elizabeth, who saw and seized the privilege of opportunity. Her life suddenly had new focus: Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah, her Savior and Lord! Such opportunities to focus on others will be ours this Season. We may not see ‘em coming – they could sneak up on us, and suddenly, there they are. When we love God as commanded, we will certainly take advantage of every opportunity – this Season and all the others – to speak love into lives, give away a smile, lend a helping hand, share a kind embrace. ‘Tis the Season for a new focus: put others first!
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