Tuesday, July 21, 2020

His Plan

As a writer, I've had to re-think why copyrights are important: no author wants his or her writing arbitrarily changed! God tells us "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." (Proverbs 16:9). How very typical it is that we plan-and-go with life in self wisdom and intent. Then! we're met with a hiccup, a side-step, an inevitable-unavoidable change. Bottom line: I had a plan but God had another. Looking back [especially] on past pain, I now see God's Grace and Power revealed and released into my present life. Paul David Tripp writes, "Your story is a biography of wisdom and grace written by another. Every turn he writes into your story is right. Every twist of the plot is for the best. Every new character or unexpected event is a tool of his grace. Each new chapter advances his purpose."  Oh, what messes I've made of my story at times; oh, but what tender compassion and grace have settled upon my story and perfect wisdom righted my path - all from The Author of my days from before conception through eternity. I really wouldn't want anyone changing my words to suit their own thoughts or beliefs; neither should Jesus' Followers depart from God's purpose for their lives. Stick to His Plan.


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