Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Knowing Grace

Our sweet Grand #3 has the middle name "Grace," and I've been humorously referred to as "Grace" when I was less-than-graceful on my feet. Before ever the word was formed on the lips of man, The Purest of all graces existed in the mind, heart and character of God Himself. God's Grace is simply this: the unearned (unmerited) great kindness, mercy, love and favor of Almighty God and Creator. I realize it's not common nor popular to consider ourselves unworthy of what we have either materially or spiritually, albeit, neither the born-again nor the lost person have earned even the air they breathe. Both kinds live at and within the established boundaries of God's Grace. Here's the marked difference between the two: the unsaved person ignores-refuses to recognize-acknowledge the Grace by and within which he or she lives; the saved (born-again) person recognizes-accepts "God's Riches At Christ's Expense" - God's GRACE. Interestingly, Believers have only a very limited knowledge-awareness of the measure of Grace showered on them! God's Grace really is amazing - I'm so glad I know it!


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