Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Faithful One

If you've ever been without water, it really makes you appreciate it more. We take so many things for granted - electricity, food, warmth, rest, good health, etc. Jeremiah begins Chapter 3 of Lamentations describing the affliction he has seen because of Israel's rebellion against God: those who "walk in darkness and not in light" (V.2) - many who "waste away" with "shattered hopes" (V.4) - those surrounded with "bitterness and hardship" (V.5) - many "weighted down" with chains (V.7). How foolish Believers are to think this happens only to the lost - oh, no! Even Believers fall into periods of spiritual darkness and hopelessness! Jesus plainly said in John 14:15, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" and when we choose rebellion over obedience ... well, we can rightly expect dark and hard and weighty days. Thankfully, Jeremiah leads us to remember: "I have hope - it is because of the LORD'S lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, because His compassions never fail - They are new every morning - Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness." (V.21-23). What joy when the electricity or water is restored! How much more marvelous when we confess and repent from spiritual rebellion [against God] then restored to sweet communion and fellowship with ... The Faithful One. Oh, yes - how sweet it is!



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