Monday, December 19, 2022

Most Worthy Ponder

By now there are many who are looking for a quiet corner or a secluded spot to just disappear for a brief respite from holiday craziness. As if giving birth wasn't enough excitement for a young mother, the shepherds' visit must have added to the experience! Can you imagine the shepherds telling Mary and Joseph of the angel's message and the angel-choir that followed. Perhaps the young couple shared their own angel-visits with the shepherds. What encouragement to one another were those gathered there in that Bethlehem stable. Luke writes of Jesus' mother, Mary, that she "treasured all these things giving careful thought to them and pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19). I suspect there would be a lifetime of pondering the wonder of Jesus as He grew into Redemption's Lamb for mankind ... including Mary herself. The wonder of such love-come-down is truly a treasure and worthy of meditation. So, go ahead, find that quiet corner, that secluded spot and disappear for [even] a brief moment to ponder The Savior. He is the ... most worthy ponder.


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