Monday, December 12, 2022

Secure Deposit

Although I've only used it a few times, depositing a paper check digitally is handy. With direct deposit, the use of paper checks grows more and more infrequent. Think about where you deposit the emotions of each day - your anxiety, stress, fear, tears, impatience, hurt, etc. Some people internalize them which often ends in ginormous meltdowns or blowups while others explode-on-contact then stomp-through the collateral damage. The Christmas story is filled with opportunities for rejections, rebellion, refusals, emotional stress and disbelief ... but that's not what happened. See instead the beauty - Joseph did as The Lord commanded (Matthew 1:24); Mary humbly submitted to The Lord's plan (Luke 1:38); the shepherds heard the angel's message then hurried to see the Christ-Child (Luke 2:16); as wise men set aside their own wisdom and took God's route back to their home (Matthew 2:12). What does Scripture show us in these responses that differ from how we face our own challenging circumstances and relationships and situations? I suggest the difference is where they placed themselves - yes, their fears and tears and stress and hesitancy. Hebrews 3:6 says Christ is faithful ... our confident Hope. Because the attributes (characteristics) of Almighty God are unchangeable, so are His Ways and His Promises ... you cannot separate who God IS from what God DOES! When we see Christ for who He IS, we do not contemplate nor hesitate to deposit all we are in Him. Let's examine where we are making our spiritual deposits and secure our deposit in Him!


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