Wonder of Wonders
What strums the heart's chords of love and tenderness more than a baby. How else could God have expressed Himself in such love and tenderness towards us! It is "because of and through the heart of tender mercy and loving-kindness of our God, a Light from on high" dawned upon man. You may recall at Mt Sinai, the people trembled and feared to approach God yet we read the shepherds "made haste" to Bethlehem to see The Wonder of Whom the angel spoke (Luke 2:15-16). Wonder is the emotion stirred by something awe-inspiring or astounding. The coming of God in human form - that is, Jesus the Messiah - is certainly The Wonder of all wonders. God's plan to rescue and deliver humanity from the darkness of sin and death is most awe-inspiring and astounding. I suggest our world has effectively desensitized us so that we've lost our sense of wonder. The angel's announcement stirred the wonder of the shepherds: "And when they saw it, they made known what had been told them concerning this Child. And all who heard it were astounded and marveled at what the shepherds told them." (Luke 2:17-18). In the busyness of this week, do not dismiss even the smallest of things that present a moment for you to pause and stop what you're doing, to draw near to the manger, to bow head and heart, to ponder and worship... the Wonder of wonders.
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