Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Keep Climbing

Some folks like to shower in the morning while other like to shower at night; me, now, I shower when I feel like it - could be morning or night or middle of the day. Remember: normal is a setting on the dryer. Knowing what is right is one thing but doing what is right is something altogether different. Old Testament Prophet Habakkuk asked why God allowed wicked men to continue and why He used them to punish the righteous - a good question even today. Albeit, Habakkuk said, “The LORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds’ feet and He will make me walk upon mine high places.” (Habakkuk 3:19). The "hind" here is a female red deer that makes her home in the mountains. Interestingly, the hind’s rear feet step precisely in the same spot where her front feet have just been. Each movement of the deer is single-focused and consistent. This alone makes the animal extremely sure-footed as she climbs! Too many Believers choose to dwell in low-lying places only to find the "spiritual air" stagnant and polluted? God has so much more for His own. Yes, the climb into “high places” may be on paths steep, treacherous and uncertain but God equips us [with hinds’ feet] for the roughest of terrains. Most who know me know I hum throughout the day, and most of the time don’t even realize it. It is a conscious decision I make each morning to have a song stirring in my soul, and I find it helps chase away gloom that seeks to devour my spirit. This life is tough and it’s rough, but in Christ we overcome and [with Habakkuk] can say -- “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation” (3:18). A shower in the middle of the day is actually quite refreshing – so is whatever leads you upward into the Presence of The Most High ... keep climbing.


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