Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It's What We Do

There is an understood expectation that what a thing is that will it do. For example, we expect our vehicle to take us to an intended destination because that is what vehicles do; we expect to eat a satisfying meal at a restaurant because that is what restaurants do; we expect the clock to show us the accurate time of day because that is what clocks do. It goes without saying, of course, vehicles fail, restaurants don't deliver, clocks malfunction; nonetheless, the expectation continues. What does Jesus expect of His followers? Perhaps we would answer to give to the poor and needy, to visit the sick and shut-in, to teach or to preach or to serve. What did Jesus expect of Himself? Jesus said, "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of the One Who sent Me." (John 6:38). Jesus was not devoted to doing what the people needed, wanted, expected; He was solely devoted to The Father. What a profound principle for Jesus' followers today. God calls us not to devote ourselves to a cause but to a Person, and that person is The Person of Jesus Christ. In focused devotion to Jesus, like Him, we know and do as God wills us. What should we expect of ourselves? Please The Father - follow Jesus ... it's what we do.


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