Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Keep Looking Up

Do you remember "back in the day" when we looked-up things: phone number in a phone book, highways and roads on an atlas, book locations in a card catalog? Oh my, how things have ... progressed? The psalmist writes, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?" (Psalm 121:1, ESV). Of course, the hills themselves offered no help although the Jewish traveler - on his way to Jerusalem (Mount Zion) - certainly had to look up. Why? Because whether you approached Jerusalem from north, south, east or west, your eyes looked up to the city as it towers over all its surrounding! The traveler answers his own question: "My help comes from the LORD, Who makes heaven and earth" (V.2). The rest of this psalm tells us the LORD our Help guards our steps, He neither slumbers nor sleeps, He is our shade both day and night, all our our goings-in and goings-out are kept by Him forevermore. The traveler's upward look reminds us as we look to Jesus. A Stone has been laid in Zion, "a chosen and precious Cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame”(1 Peter 2:6). We [too] are travelers, on our way to the City of God where one day we will find complete and perfect peace and rest. Until that day, we Saints of God will look to The Chosen and Precious Stone - Jesus, our Help! Keep looking up!


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