Never Miss A Call
A spotty or unreliable cell signal is
problematic. For example, often when Mister Bill is hunting, he’s
“off the grid.” Sadly, there are times in our spiritual lives when we
[too] miss God’s voice. Be assured: the
missed word from Him has nothing to do with the one speaking! The lack of signal can
be traced to a struggling relationship with or broken fellowship with
Christ. Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you.” (John 15:4). The Greek
word “abide” refers to a continual tarrying and with purpose. If I'm expecting a call, my phone is constantly with me; my intention is not to miss the call. This is how we are to abide in Christ –
being diligent and attentive to His voice, faithfully keeping ourselves
in spiritual range so when God speaks, we hear Him. The psalmist said, “But
for me it is good to be near God.” (Psalm 73:28). There are days my
phone is silent and that’s okay; it’s never a good thing, however, to be
miss God’s voice. Remain in Him – never miss a call.
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