Winning Heaven
When children anticipate something fun or exciting, it seems that's all they can think about; it consumes and drives their conversation! Spiritually speaking, "To win heaven, the mind must become heavenly; and to be heavenly, it must habituate itself to heavenly things and heavenly pursuits." (Morning Thoughts, Octavius Winslow). Oh, how easily we forget this sinful and decaying world is not home to God's children. It's easy because there are so many wonderfully lovable things here, many blessed gifts from The Father. There is grave danger, however, in getting too ... attached: "If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Colossians 3:1-2). A good question is: where is the habitation of my affections? Have I settled my deepest love on what Scripture says is temporal and fading or on that which endures eternally? We rightly concern ourselves with the best habitat for our pets but what about our hearts? I love Winslow's phrase "to win heaven," and what a good thought for each morning, an excellent consideration for the habitat for the heart's affections, its passions, its love for the day. Oh, Father - today and every day - settle my heart in Your heavenly habitat that I may ... win heaven.
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