Live The Word
It wasn't always fun being the preacher's kid (PK). For one thing, from
the pulpit Dad had a bird's eye view of where I sat, if I was paying
attention, and if I "might" be holding hands with one certain young man.
Paul gave Timothy an emphatic directive, "Preach the word!" (1
Timothy 4:2). At the front of most churches, there's a raised area on
which stands a pulpit from which is proclaimed the Name of Christ. I
doubt Paul was instructing young Timothy (or us) to drag a pulpit
around, but his instruction is very relevant to Christians today.
While words are often necessary to share Christ, actions are also crucial
to the message. True followers of Christ understand their behavior,
speech, choices, and attitudes reveal the deeper parts of who we are.
To live in contrast to Christ shames and disclaims Him as Lord of our
lives. Literally, our lives are God's – displaying Him either in
honor or disgrace. Oswald Chambers wrote, "He does not turn us into
spiritual agents but into spiritual messengers, and the message must
be a part of us." The idea is we are so rooted in Christ, He is
first-nature (not second-nature) in all we say and do, all we choose,
all we decide, all we are! If you claim Christ, your pulpit is
established and your preaching is in progress – live the Word!
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