Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Never Dry

When’s the last time you had dry-mouth? Some medications can leave the mouth dry. I’ve heard it called cotton-mouth ... now, that’s dry! We’ve known drought - when rainfall is so scarce gardens wither and fail. I have an idea, however, when David wrote Psalm 63:1 he was thinking about more than the lack of water in the Judean wilderness. ". . . my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." I've visited that part of Israel and seen the scarcity of water. As a caretaker of sheep, water was a daily concern for David. He also knew times of spiritual drought, that deep soul-thirst. Have you ever drank from a metal dipper? Wow, that water tastes good but soon the dipper is empty and needs refilling. The satisfying filling God offers our souls is different; it fully satisfies and is all-sustaining. Matthew Henry wrote this: "The true believer is convinced, that nothing in this sinful world can satisfy the wants and desires of his immortal soul; he expects his happiness from God, as his portion. When faith and hope are most in exercise, the world appears a weary desert ..." Can you imagine facing each new day with a soul that is never thirsty A life so filled with the Truth of Living Water, Eternal Hope (confident expectation) the soul is never empty – parched – longing for more? The life soaked in the beauty and richness of Jesus Christ is such a life. Hence, we can proclaim with David, “Thus will I bless Thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in Thy Name. My soul shall be satisfied ... my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips.” (63:4-5) The lips of the righteous are never dry or empty of praise because the soul is never parched ... never dry.


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