Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Stunned By Sin

Stunning pictures are just that ... stunning pictures. It's an altogether different kind of "stunning" to see things up-close-and-personal: to stand on cliffs overlooking the Caribbean, to be awed by the magnificence of the Grand Canyon as you look across it. Gratefully and forever redeemed by God's amazing grace, do we fail to see the besetting - waylaying, besieging, habitual - sins as God sees them? I can only answer for myself, of course, and I would have to answer ... no, I do not always see nor am I moved by them. Those sins casually dismissed ... yet still sin. Let the forgiven soul never forget nor lessen thoughts about Jesus "Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24, KJV). Our memories often dull and diminish with time; in some cases, that is a blessing but never in what has been done for us by the substitutionary death of Jesus. I suspect few of us truly mourn, even cry, over our sin; why not, we should ask since sin grieves The Father. Let us consider the stunning effect of sin in our lives then remember how eternally we have been forgiven and rescued by The Father's love and The Savior's great sacrifice. Perhaps the more we are stunned by our sin, the deeper we will rejoice over so great a salvation!


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