Tuesday, February 18, 2025

All The Sweeter

If you've ever been in any kind of relationship, you know the break-up is bitter but the make-up is sweet.  The psalmist affirms this principle in Psalm 119: "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes" (V.71, NASB). Because of this Godly truth and the wealth of struggles we encounter, we should all be wiser than we behave! It seems, however, we'd rather grumble and complain through the misery - yes, that's what we do. We foolishly forget, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28, NASB). And what is the "good" God is working in the struggle? Verse 29 says "to become conformed to the image of His Son." Through the struggle, God is working to spiritually reshape us into something else - into the likeness of Jesus. The reshaping hurts sometimes; at times it is sheer misery but though He "causes grief, then He will have compassion according to His abundant lovingkindness" (Lamentations 3:32, NASB). "And yet these days of dreariness are sent us from above - They do not come in anger, but in faithfulness and love - They come to teach us lessons which bright ones could not yield - And to leave us blest and thankful when their purpose is fulfilled" (From Daily Strength for Daily Needs, author unknown). Are you in the midst of some misery right now? Trust God's promise of faithfulness and Jesus' promise of presence. His compassion is ... all the sweeter.


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