Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No Scorecard

I learned scorekeeping at an early age.  My earliest memory is earning $1 for posting metal numbers on a centerfield scoreboard at church softball games.  Soon Dad taught me how to keep the official scorebook and he depended on me to do that at church softball and basketball games.  I never quite figured out if learning to keep score was a blessing or a curse!


God isn’t into scorekeeping.  Hallelujah for that because we’d all be losers!  In fact, Jesus taught us to throw away the scorecard altogether!  “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)  Living for Christ isn’t some trivial game of win or lose; it’s serious and faithful pursuit of righteousness.  We’re commanded to return good for evil even though we don’t feel like it and we figure others don’t deserve it.  For Christians, the first look must be inward at our own contribution to the cost of redemption. Ponder, if you will, except for Christ our own wickedness would bring us to ruin.  Jesus was completely blameless yet evil men handed Him over to die, paying my sin debt; He saved me from myself as I could not!  There was no justice at Calvary, only redemption made possible by compassion and mercy of The Father.  Yes, sin is ugly and its consequences ruthless, however, let us be cautious not to invoke some mock form of justice.  Christ’s response to evil is love, blessing, goodness, and prayer toward those fallen into sin which, except for grace, is easily our own story.  Personally, I find it needful to lay down that scorecard of self-righteousness just so I can deal with the wickedness of my own heart through confession and repentance.  Then I claim His promise, "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)  Not sinless -- just perfectly peaceful and joyful.  Then, I know, no scorekeeping is definitely a blessing!


Dear Lord,

Forgive me for harshly judging others; give me a humble and gentle spirit, and teach me to be an instrument of peace and joy.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.



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