Monday, June 20, 2011

Wings of Trust

Swinging is so much fun!  As long as I can remember, I've loved to swing. It surely must have begun on the playground.  I no longer have a swing set in the back yard but rather a front porch swing, and swingin’ is my most favorite form of exercise!

Trusting in the Lord brings more joy than ... yes, even swinging!  Never once as a child did I fret about the chain breaking -- no matter how high in the air I went.  Higher and higher I would go with absolutely no fear! [Mama was scared enough for us all.]  What trust I had in those chain links! I. Williams writes, "The heart that trusts forever sings, and feels as light as it had wings."  Here's what the Psalmist says, "The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in Him." (Psalm 64:10)  It is Satan who scatters doubt and distrust, and it is "so us" to let the shadows overtake us.  Consider what happens when we embrace instead the same child-like faith we had in the swing chains, and higher and higher we allow The Father to take us in His fathomless love.  We would "live in serene tranquility; with a quiet heart, as one who sleeps safely and quietly." (Martin Luther)  Such living is not a dream or a fantasy -- it is living life on wings of trust!


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