Monday, January 16, 2012

Turn In Your Troubles

Do you remember staying up late writing that term paper that was due the next day?  Perhaps you worked on it for weeks, but that last night was spent editing and proof-reading, editing and proof-reading, editing and proof-reading.  There was such relief, however, finally turning in that paper. Pizza time!

Oh my, how troubles get to us.  They easily take over command-central and paralyze us even to the point we can barely function.  The Hebrew word "trouble" refers to being in a tight place, being restricted, or being hung up.  That's how it feels sometimes when troubles overtake us; we lose focus and hope, then despair sets in.  David wrote, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles."  (Psalm 34:17) This verse assures us when we cry for help the Lord hears and delivers. And, I like that word "all."  God doesn't deliver me from a select few of my troubles, but ALL of them!  This promise gives me hope that what troubles me doesn't have to consume me and wrap me up.  Haven't you heard: "troubles come to pass, they do not come to stay."  Because God is always listening and ready to deliver, there's freedom from troubling troubles.  Want to be trouble-free?  Turn in your troubles to One Who delivers!


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