Wednesday, May 22, 2013

His Time

Patience doesn't come easy for me. As I wait, my mind is spinning about all the things I need to be doing ... instead of waiting.

Jesus did not wear a watch, but He certainly understood the importance of spending time wisely. He knew time is continually passing, and can never be recalled. About the importance of time He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom o f God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33).  Why do we have trouble putting first things first? Why do we waste precious time? I've seen my own children waste time, then I consider my own abuse of time. Using our time and our talents wisely always pays off especially when our time is devoted to the Giver of all time. Paul wrote "time is short" (1 Corinthians 7:29); we don't know just how short it really is. Doesn't it just make sense to redeem the time God has given us in such a way we're busy using His time to do His work!

God's Minute (Author Unknown)
I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it,
Forced upon me, can't refuse it, didn't seek it, didn't choose it,
But it's up to me to use it, I must suffer if I lose it,
Give account if I abuse it, but Eternity is in it.


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