Thursday, September 26, 2013


It’s been so much fun to watch Ella learn new things! Their dogs, Jr and Roxie, cause quite the ruckus when they bark, and it was so cute to see Ella “shhh” them with a finger to her lips. To hear her whisper is precious, then a challenge to help her know when to whisper and when not to whisper. You know, us older folks don’t hear a whisper too good! LOL

How loud are you? I remember telling rambunctious little boys to quiet down, to use their “inside voices.” Of course, my definition of “inside voices” has changed with Mr. Bill’s … older ears -- LOL. The Psalmist writes, “Sing aloud to God, our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob.” (81:1). He uses other sound-related words like raise, sound, blow, call, and listen. I hear people say all the time they “can’t sing” – hogwash! Over and over in Scripture we are told to sing! The psalmist even carries it one step further: sing out loud -- SOL! Praising The Creator changes so much – attitude, countenance, focus; it also satisfies a deepness in our souls beyond explanation. It is my personal conviction that when we sing out loud (SOL), we're encouraged to LOL -- Live Out Loud!  Today is good day to stop whispering before God – sing out loud and really live. Yes, LOL – Live Out Loud!


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