Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Your Act

You ever been told to “behave yourself” or “act like you’re somebody”? Oh, let me count the times! My boys used to ask why they had to remember their manners at home, and my answer was “home is where we practice our manners.” Practice makes perfect, right? Well, at least practice helps!

The Psalmist begins Chapter 80, “Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You Who lead Joseph like a flock!” (V.1a). He uses a common relationship here – one between shepherd and sheep. It is the shepherd’s role to care for the needs of his sheep as well as to guide and protect them. The shepherd is faithful to do this things, and it is the nature of the sheep to depend upon and follow the shepherd. Such is the nature and role of The Good Shepherd, but what about His people – His sheep? His sheep (the redeemed) are prone to be obstinate and unresponsive, contrary to sheep’s nature; we don’t always act like sheep! How often do we pray asking for God’s help, for His grace in counsel yet consider His reply as one-of-many options. We hear The Shepherd’s Heart and give a non-sheep reply! The rest of the verse is insightful, “You Who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth.” (V.1b). The two “cherubim,” one at each end of the mercy seat on top of the Ark or the Covenant, represent God’s Presence where worship takes place; “shine forth” is a call for God to have His Way in our lives. Submission (obedience), as is sheep’s real nature, is an act of worship! An act – to do something, to take steps, to perform, to proceed … to behave as sheep of The Good Shepherd. We must behave ourselves – act like who we are. Redeemed by Christ to live victoriously as we follow The Good Shepherd – this is the call of Christ in our lives. So, think about it -- how’s your act?


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