Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Move It!

Since 1979 the company, MoveIt, has been moving things. From what I understand, they offer a no-nonsense approach to the moving items from one location to another. Their services guarantee cost savings, fewer damages and delays, and 24/7 shipment monitoring. I'm thinking about hiring them to pick up Mr. Bill and I and all our beach paraphernalia and deliver us to the beach next summer!

Do you struggle to hear God? Oh, wouldn't it great if we had a "Royal Telephone" as described in Frederick Lehman's 1919 hymn! Truth is, there's a reason we don't hear God -- we are in the way! Many times when we pray, we've already decided how God should respond, what His answer should be. We've applied every bit of reason and logic we have, and all we really want from God is His approval to our answer. Oh, what foolish beings we are! Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit." Oswald Chambers puts it like this: "He cannot witness to our reason ... the Spirit witnesses only to His own nature ... never to our reason." God doesn't work in the confines of our spiritual box and when we try to make Him, we end up befuddled and wondering why we're not hearing from God. The Father desires nothing more than for His Spirit to "bear witness" with our spirit -- one free and clear of self, one with His Spirit. If we really want to hear from God, try getting out of His way. It's the no-nonsense way to hear from The Father! Yes … move it!


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