Glued by Grace
What is your favorite adhesive? For some it’s glue or rubber cement, but at our house it's duct tape! One can never have enough duct tape. Dennis (Twin A) would not keep his diaper on, and that's when we discovered duct's new use. One long piece of duct tape carefully placed all the way around did the trick! We were probably the only parents whose diaper bag included duct tape & scissors!
God's Grace is the ultimate adhesive. Have you noticed some days there just doesn't seem to be enough glue? Those are the times when our outlook needs to be an up-look. God's Grace is enough ... "Thou therefore, my child, be strengthened in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 2:1) What makes duct tape so strong are the countless fibers running throughout. What an amazing picture of God’s grace as it plentifully abounds in plentiful. Suddenly what threatens to dismantle us becomes "no contest" in light of God’s sustaining power. We are truly conquerors together with Christ ... glued securely by His Grace.
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