Sealed Deal
Terrorism is in the news a lot, but Mr. Bill coined a phrase many years ago and it had to do with little boys (and maybe a wife) who were always ready to “make a deal” and Mr. Bill didn't usually fare well. He would listen intently, however, then calmly say, “I don’t deal with terrorists.”
This should not be news to any who identify themselves as Christian: without exception, you are part of the Body of Christ (His Bride, the Church). Sadly, some Christians neglect this Scriptural Truth and miss the spiritual blessings by being an active part in corporate worship, fellowship, and ministry. Although imperfect and oft times weak, The Church remains God’s ordained tool to sound the Gospel invitation to come to Christ. In his book, The Joshua Code, O.S. Hawkins refers to words that should be the language of The Church: "grace, faith, repentance, and the like” – he calls them the “down here” words. It's true, we don't need lofty or deep theological rhetoric to share the simple message that Christ died and calls people to salvation through His redemptive Blood at Calvary. Our government may truly be the best at making something otherwise simple into a monstrosity (the state of monstrous), but Christians are also guilty of overstating the simple message of the Cross. Jesus didn't negotiate the terms of His sacrifice; He, without regard for Himself, obediently (to The Father) and willingly (for us) laid down His Life as our sin debt so we could live in spiritual freedom and hope. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36). In the end, it was Mr. Bill who sealed "the deal," and he usually conceded way more than he anticipated (Mr. Softie). God conceded His All -- Jesus Christ, His Son, so we can know Him and enjoy a abiding fellowship with Him. And that's -- the sealed deal!
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