As Enoch Walked
With menus in hand, the hostess says, "Walk this way." Contrary to practicing comics, she doesn't mean "like me" swing your hips. I know all about funny-guys -- I've lived among them most of my life.
What a challenge to walk the way of Enoch! I find what little we know of this Bible hero totally fascinating. Oh, how I would like to sit and talk with this spiritual giant, and ask him about his relationship with the One God. In his day, there were no printed Scripture, no inspirational books and radio stations, no great worship centers -- only the One God among many. Genesis 5:24 says, however, "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him." Imagine strolling in the cool of the day with your Best Friend and suddenly you are in His very Presence, transported into the spiritual realm where there’s nothing to any longer separate Creator and soul of man. Most of us will spend our lives working to improve our careers, to retire comfortably, take that dream vacation but for the Christian, there must be no greater ambition than to be in God's Presence. We probably won’t get there like Enoch did, but the way he walked is an example for all. God said to the Prophet Jeremiah, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.’” (Jeremiah 6:16). Hebrews 11 is filled with testimony of mighty men of faith who chose to walk as Enoch walked, according to God’s commands. Enoch was faithful and knew the joy of and experienced great reward for his walk with God. We, too, by faith, can experience joy in the day-by-day walk as Enoch did. We may not take a walk and never come back [as Enoch did], but present-day delight with The Father is ours when we … walk as Enoch walked.
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