Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wondrous Things

Living with a game-hunter is interesting.  Information filed away in my brain would just amaze you!  Did you know, for example, that serious hunters go to great lengths to enter the woods scent-free. Prior to and during hunting season, soaps and detergents must be fragrance-free.  Scented candles, body sprays, and fragrant foods are a huge no-no.  Seriously?  Yes, and yes, we are seriously in the scent-free season right now!


What is your perception of God?  I cringe when I hear Him referred to as the "man upstairs" or the "big guy."  You should have felt me shudder even as I typed that! Christians often (and rightly) refer to His Nature as kind, loving, gracious, patient, and merciful -- and, indeed He is!  It is not uncommon, however, that we struggle to see these characteristics when life is upside-down.  I am often driven to pursue God deeper in the shadows of life, and press for added insight into the true nature of God.  Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU), said, "Everything about our lives -- our attitudes, motives, desires, actions, and even our words -- is influenced by our view of God."  In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer wrote how critical it is we have an accurate view of God: "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  So how does the average Christian seriously and practically move to know God better -- what must we do to really know the One Who knows us better than anyone?  The Psalmist wrote, "Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law." (119:18). Wondrous things -- that's what we long to know about The Father -- yes, wondrous things!  Everything about Him is [indeed] wondrous, but there's more of His divine nature revealed through His Word, by His Spirit, through obedience, through diligent seeking.  There are three trophy deer hanging in our living room, and they were pursued by a serious hunter!  Mr. Bill did what was necessary to track the deer and prepare (de-scent) his himself for the hunt.  Do you long to know the wondrous things of God?  Really?  Seriously?  Read His Word, hear His Voice, and behold ... wondrous things!


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