Thursday, November 13, 2014


It was quite a scene, I'm sure – that would be Nanny and I throwing acorns at the old dinner bell in her yard.  Not real sure what got us started, but we threw acorns trying to “ring” that bell and laughed like fools!


Romans 3:23 says we all (yes, that means all of us) have “fallen short” of God’s glory.  Created in His image, we were [by design], made to be an exact reflection of The Creator.  Well, we missed the mark!  Just a few days ago, my granddaughter, Ella, cheered as I threw a whiffle ball up into a tree.  She was fascinated watching the ball bounce among the limbs on its way down, bringing with it a few barely-hanging-on golden leaves. My aim was a squirrel’s nest high in the top of the tree; Ella yelled with excitement, “Again, MomC, again!”  Over and over, I tossed the ball, never once coming close to my target.  This illustrates how we live our lives – day after day, literally striving to be like The One Who fashioned us yet failing time and time again.  How frustrated, weary, and discouraged we can become!  Before we fall apart, let us remember we "are all children of God through faith." (Galatians 3:26).  Striving for what we are incapable of alone is much like riding a stationary bike -- you sure can work up a good sweat, but it gets you nowhere!   I'm sorry to say, the falling-short part is here to stay, but we have Hope -- "because of Him … Christ Jesus, Who has become for us wisdom from God -- that is, our Righteousness, Holiness, and Redemption." (1 Corinthians 1:30).  It is Him alive in Believers Who reveals God's Glory through us to the world.  Nanny and I hit that old bell several times, and that made us laugh even harder!  I'm so glad my hope for living isn't wrapped up in anything I do 'cause I can't even hit a bell with an acorn.  There is great comfort and complete rest, however, in trusting One Whose purpose is divine and never misses Its mark!  Thank you, Jesus!


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