Thursday, September 15, 2016

Spend It Now

It seems the phrase “save for a rainy day” was first used in an Italian comedy written in 1561, "La Spiritata."  In the 1750s, several legal documents refer to Acadians of Louisiana — those who came from Nova Scotia — as being simple farmers who practice Catholicism, are totally self-sufficient, and are quick to “lay aside provisions for a rainy day.”  While Mr. Bill's always practiced the "saving" part, I concentrate on the "rainy days."  We're a good team!


David wrote, “The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:5-6).  Mr. Bill has always been forward-looking; he started putting aside money for retirement before we were married.  According to all financial advisors, saving for the latter years is wise, but how many Christians give no thought to spiritual things?  I did! I admit to many years of living oblivious to my spiritual inheritance, squandering the day’s priceless Treasure -- maintained by God -- for passing-fleeting things.  What does a LORD-portion day look like?  There's no panic or wringing of hands at a low-checkbook balance, no anger or temper tantrums when there's three cars ahead of you in the drive-thru, no snobbery at another person sharing your air-space.  You see, God IS the portion for my day and it is HE WHO keeps it.  I do not have to rely on myself to orchestrate the times of the day - He does that.  Of course, it's not always how I would have done it but the Sovereign King -- Who knows all -- does so with my good in mind, and supported by all the perfect attributes of Himself: power, strength, love, kindness, joy, peace, patience, etc.  That is my inheritance!  Not to be put aside -- for a rainy day -- to be used every moment of every day to enjoy Christ!  Oh, the treasures we forfeit when we neglect the "beautiful inheritance" God has given us through Christ Jesus.  There's nothing wrong with wisely planning for the future, however, there's no promise for tomorrow except in the Hope we have as Believers.  Bring on the rainy days -- I suppose we'll be ready -- but I want to live, really live, in the now.  Will you choose God as your portion?  Will you trust Him with your todays - your rainy days, too?  The Inheritance is yours - spend it now!


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