Thursday, November 17, 2016

Be Thankful

Years ago I was told by my dentist that I grind my teeth at night which destroys tooth enamel and causes jaw pain.  Now, I don't know I'm doing it but it certainly explains the jaw pain.  He prescribed a mouth guard to be worn at night, but the problem is it causes butt pain. Unconsciously, I take the guard out during the night; the last time I wore

it, when I woke up it was underneath me and there were teeth marks on my rear.  That was the "end" of that!


Does your cup of thanksgiving include difficult times?  Think back to your last teeth-gritting circumstance: did gratitude overtake you?  For most of us – no, it does not!  I've heard it's usually ot the load itself that brings you down, but rather how you bear the load.  Paul wrote "in everything give thanks" (1 Thessalonians 5:18a).  Notice he said to give thanks IN everything, not FOR everything.  The message is to maintain a thankful heart no matter what: in spite of the bank balance, medical emergencies, struggling relationships, demanding schedules, and such.  Paul's words to "rejoice evermore" (V.16) encourages us to know and express God's Goodness at all times, not in relation to what we're going through.  We must understand and live knowing God is good all the time -- not just in the good times. The next time you feel like gritting your teeth, be thankful instead.  It just might save more than enamel!


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