Tuesday, March 7, 2017


We often tease Baby Susta Joy about how she entertained the family with her clogging as a little girl. It's no joke, however, that Mr. Bill entertains at our house with his Un-clogging.  Countless times I've watched him haul the boy's commode into the front yard, turned it upside down to shake loose what clogged -- silverware, Lego blocks, action

figures, etc. You see, clogging or unclogging -- both entertain!


Believers get clogged up: full of sin and self, nothing holy or good flowing through.  In 2 Kings 7, we read about lepers who refused to sit by the side of the road: they ask themselves, " ... Why sit we here until we die?" They left their places at the city gate and tried to get themselves captured by the Syrians.  They figured when captured at best

they would be fed and cared for. I guess you could say they were "overcome by common sense."  Sitting and waiting just wasn't an option! They became "go-getters" instead of "sitters."  Sadly, some Believers refuse to seek God's truth.  They choose to sit, soak and sour [as Pastor Tony says], becoming clogged up, and totally ineffective in their witness and service for Christ.  In Israel the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, but the Dead Sea has no outlet.  The result is a beautiful body of water, rich in minerals but unable to sustain life -- nothing grows in or around it!  This describes the Believer who sits: no desire to know Christ intimately or to serve Him.  Not only does God desire us to be clean vessels but useful to Him – clean and useful.  David's prayer must also be ours, "Create in me a clean heart ... " (Psalm 51:10)  It's the only sure way to live ... unclogged.


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