Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Listening Time

​Thirty-plus years ago, a good portion of my job was taking client calls; over time, I often would recognize a caller by his-her voice.  How do Christians learn to detect God's voice from all the others?  Author, Janet Denison, writes, "We pay attention to the moments when God is most likely to speak and the moments we are most likely to listen."  God is not, of course, limited to moments but He certainly uses moments in our lives to speak to us.  I truly regret the number of times I've missed God's voice because I neglected to or was unwillingness to listen.  One way God speaks is through our thoughts; Dennison calls them "God thoughts."  Personally, I've found Scripture to be the greatest catalyst to hear from God.  That's why it's so important to begin each day sitting quietly - even if just for a few moments - listening intently for His voice.  For me, it sets both the tone and the pace for the rest of my day.  How do you nurture a listening time for The Father?  The Shepherd speaks - His sheep should listen.​


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