All You Do
Have you ever looked at your plans for the day or week, and just groaned? What foolishness for Believers to fill their days without respect to God’s purpose and timing! Solomon said of mankind, “I know there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good as long as they live.” (Ecclesiastes 3:12). How can we possibly rejoice and do good when our Godly purpose is an after-thought or a no-thought! I’m convinced one of Satan’s greatest tools in the Believer’s life is time: he will use the time we’ve been given against us, stealing it away from rejoicing and doing good. How many times have you said to yourself, where did my time go or there’s not enough hours in the day? It happens to all of us, and it is the crazy-cycle and a terrible rut! We are often left with this looming thought: there must be more to life. It’s critical we know this: the problem is not full calendars or long to-do lists; no, the problem is who we are in relation to Christ Who should Master our lives – yes, every moment-day-week-month-year. In his book, Rut, Rot or Revival, A. W. Tozer wrote, “If we feel that we are what we ought to be, then we will remain what we are.” Paul steers us in how we are to use our time: “Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23). Let us embrace the Truth of God’s Word by committing the times of our lives to The One Who measures all we do as it glorifies Him. Do all you do for the Lord!
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