Do Love
Mr Bill often refers to himself as my “beast of burden,” which is his comical way of saying he does a lot of stuff for me. Ok, it’s true! Thanks, Mr Bill. As Believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we have a similar role: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, KJV). What does this mean? Believers who are walking in and by the power of The Holy Spirit are called to come alongside and help carry-endure the physical, emotional and spiritual load threatening to crush a brother or sister Believer. As we do so, we accomplish the “law of Christ” – Jesus’ new commandment: “love thy neighbor as thyself (Galatians 5:14). When Jesus said “love one another” in John 13:34, He didn’t mean to just feel love or say loving things; no, He meant we are to do love! Words are often cheap, requiring little more than moving our lips. But to do love – oh, that’s a game-changer! How wonderful when Believers actually do come alongside each other, holding [spiritual] hands to walk through the shadows of life, bringing comfort-strength-peace-encouragement to one another. What a beautiful picture of The Savior walking with us step-by-step of this life. Is there someone you know who right now needs a “beast of burden” to help carry the load-of-life? I suspect there is! Help bear a burden … do love today!
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