Oh yes, I remember Christmases-past when I thought I’d surely puddle-up on the floor in tears if I didn’t get some special something. Wonder how many puddles-waiting-to-happen there are right now! Elizabeth’s song in Luke is worth an intentional look: “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45). I suggest Mary needed these encouraging words from Elizabeth! Luke’s word “blessing” in V.45 is a different Greek word than “blessing” used in V.42. It’s not our English word for “eulogy;” instead it’s the Greek word meaning “one whom God makes fully satisfied.” This reference to satisfaction isn’t rooted in favorable circumstances, but rather in being genuinely content no matter what the circumstances. Mary was in a tough spot: pregnant [by The Holy Spirit] with no way to prove she had neither been unfaithful to nor immorally involved with Joseph! Don’t you agree Mary needed to hear these beautiful words from Elizabeth: satisfied are you, Mary, that you have believe what God has said to you! Real contentment never comes to us from outside; it originates on the inside, believing-trusting by faith in God’s promises! This deep contentment spills over into all we are-do-say and, therefore, becomes our testimony [of Christ] before and to others. ‘Tis the Season to believe and experience real satisfaction in Christ alone. May it [then] naturally spillover into the lives of others!
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