Sunday, January 16, 2022

Stay Warm

Cup of coffee, a glowing fire, cozy pajamas, hot chocolate, a bowl of soup - things that warm us to the bone when a howling wind and threat of ice and snow drives us indoors. While we don't wish for the potential unpleasant consequences of inclement weather, the down-time and respite are often welcomed. God says in Psalm 46:10, "Be still." Slow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; stop your incessant striving. Perhaps most of us don't know how to "be still" in such a never-still world. Even when we're physically still, our minds are racing and spirits striving against stillness. God gives this command with purpose: "Be still ... and know that I am God." In the stillness we are to focus not on WHAT was or is or will be but on WHO was and is and [forever] will be. The Bride of Christ (that's us Believers) says, "Draw me after You." (Song of Solomon 1:4). Genuine love for The Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) will still us and draw us into knowing His depths and warmth like nothing nor none other. As we weather the weather, let us find real and lasting warmth in Christ alone.  Stay warm!


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