Monday, November 14, 2022

A Growing Sweetness

In the world of fine dining, food presentation is important. Why? Because our eyes are most naturally drawn to what is visually appealing. This concept is equally true in the life of Believers. Of course, we long for spiritual peace and joy, however, few are willing to do what it takes to possess it. Perhaps you recall Laban's treachery toward Jacob - giving [firstborn] Leah instead of [second born] Rachel as his bride; to an upset Jacob, Laban explained the custom "to give the younger before the firstborn." (Genesis 29:26). For sure, Laban's trickery is inexcusable but there's a lesson here: some things must come in order. None of us can expect the precious benefits of God's kingdom here unless we are willing to follow Christ in humble obedience. "O soul, are you so vain as to think you can break Heaven's rule?" (Spurgeon). Believers will never nor should they expect to experience the spiritual reward outside this order. Jesus says, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). Within the labor and heaviness of this life, when we humble ourselves and submit to the authority of Christ, only then do we find His rest - a place of spiritual peace and joy. Surely, as the cross is carried the crown is won and we find ... a growing sweetness.


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