Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Uncommon Living

Perhaps what is common and what is uncommon depends on to whom you're talking. My boys blurred the lines of common and uncommon a long time ago:  jumping on the trampoline in the dark, whiffle ball games by flood lights, tossing the baseball at 11:30 PM, the ding of the microwave at 2:00 AM, and camouflage year round! As followers of Jesus, we are called to ... uncommon living.  Consider how zip-lipped we are and how we side-step Truth instead of speaking it plainly.  It’s uncommon to find one today who speaks with such boldness. We read in Acts 28, "Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance" (V.31). If we’re really serious about making the Truth of God known in our world, we’ll do and say the uncommon: speak when others are silent, show self-control when the situation is uncontrollable, love the unlovable, and extend grace when it isn’t practical. Only God knows the blessings that await us when we speak and live unhindered Truth in boldness and love, and only He knows the lives to be changed by His Truth lived-out in us with courage and compassion. People need to know God's uncommon love and truth in these uncommon times.  We are called to ... uncommon living!


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